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Facial Prosthetics Information & Resources (FPIR) helps patients locate and access providers who specialize in custom facial prostheses, anaplastology. Anaplastology services may also include somatic prostheses such as custom breast, and partial hand and foot prostheses.


Anaplastology is a specialized healthcare field focused on providing patient-specific prosthetic rehabilitation of absent, disfigured or malformed anatomy of the face or body resulting from cancer, trauma, or congenital origin. Customized prosthetic rehabilitation serves as an alternative treatment option when surgical reconstruction is unachievable or undesired by the patient.


The practice of anaplastology draws on advanced scientific data derived from research and best practices in biomedical sciences, dentistry, oncology, reconstructive surgery, materials science and engineering, applications of 3D modeling and prototype manufacturing, as well as artistic application of color theory, painting, sculpting, and mold fabrication. 


What problem does the FPIR seek to address?

The number of trained, practicing anaplastologists around the world is extremely small, in part because of the unique skills required of the anaplastologist, and also due to a general lack of awareness of the field. A lack of knowledge and understanding about custom prosthetic services available to potential patients, ultimately creates barriers that prevent patients from obtaining treatment. This lack of awareness also creates challenges for clinicians to acquire funding for research and education necessary to advance the field and bring about better patient outcomes.


Facial Prosthetics Information & Resources is focused on improving general awareness about custom prosthetic services and connecting patients with Anaplastologists around the globe. 


FPIR is not a private company nor sponsored organization. Information shared on this site is voluntarily managed by a group of practicing anaplastologists and colleagues. FPIR (originally the Facial Prosthetics Initiatives Network, FPIN) was established in 2012 by United States-based anapalastologist, Erin Stevens. Erin earned a Master of Science in Biomedical Visualization from the University of Illinois at Chicago, where she conducted her clinical practicum and research at the University of Illinois Hospital & Heath Sciences System's Craniofacial Center. Erin is certified clinical anaplastologist practicing in the Midwest region of the United States. She is the current Vice-President of the Walter Spohn Trust (WST), a nonprofit organization that administers grants and supports educational research in the field of prosthetic rehabilitation. She also serves on the Board of Directors of the International Anaplastology Association. 


Anaplastologists listed on this website include those certified by the Board for Certification in Clinical Anaplastology (BCCA); individuals holding advanced medical or dental degrees with relevant coursework, supervised clinical experience required by their professions, and a demonstrated history of practical experience in anaplastology; individuals with extensive training in relevant coursework, a demonstrated history of practical experience in anaplastology, and the highest credentialing possible in one's region permitting the practice of anaplastology. FPIR recongizes that its listings are not exhaustive. If you are a qualified provider of facial prosthetics and you wish to be considered for inclusion in FPIR's directory, please contact FPIR.

Our Mission

Facial Prosthetics Information & Resources

"If anyone, anywhere in the world cannot access our devices, then we [anaplastologists] have not succeeded."
- Daril Atkins, Certified Clinical Anaplastologist, BangaloreIndia


FPIR shares information about custom facial and body prostheses and helps patients to establish connections with qualified practicing providers.





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